Templates and Tapetsermesternes Landsforbund offers MLF Pro to its members to assist in the important HSE and QA work. With baths app, all our members easily report RUH, conduct SJA, documenting relevant controls using industry-specific checklists, check in and out of construction sites (register in companies' crew lists) as well as read the relevant procedures and instructions.
MLF Pro is connected to a processing system in which member companies can easily the caseworker all RUH, get out statistics, check who is at the workplace at all times etc. The app is the Pro version of MLF HSEQ which is also a reporting tool for our members, but that does not contain all the functionality and all the opportunities in MLF Pro.
In order to use the app / system you must be a member of the MLF and get created user. Please contact MLF for details.
Welcome to the future!
The app and the entire HSE / QA system to MLF developed by Mellora AS on behalf of MLF.